It's been years and not only have I not heard back from Floyd's people, he continues to do really crazy things.
Now he's set to fight Robert Guerreo in May.
It's like MR. T Said in ROCKY III...ducking me...fighting other bums...
He reportedly bet three million dollars on Michigan to beat Alabama in 2011.
Man, I could have really used that money.
If you're going to throw cash away, throw it away to me, MY STUDENT LOANS AND CHILD SUPPORT.
I was reading a news piece about the New York Knicks basketball sensation Jeremy Lin.
Professional boxer Floyd Mayweather, one of my favorite pugilists and without a doubt one of the best around said the only reason Lin was getting all this recent attention is because he's Asian.
Here's the comment.
It made me pretty angry.
Not because I'm Asian.
But because I hate it when someone who busts their ass to make it gets hated on for their work.
I love sports but I am pretty tired of hearing about athletes who think the world owes them something..or they are entitled to act like ass clowns just because.
I hope Lin's success encourages more competition and less showboating and that he continues to play and prosper.
Now..on to Floyd.
I'd like to fight Money.
It would make me feel much better to hit him in his mouth for some of the dumb things he says.
Now,Truthfully, I did enjoy him cussing Larry Merchant's cranky ass.
That was long overdue.
I am quite nonathletic..I am the polar opposite of athletic.
I'm not New Jersey Governor Chris Christie big..(he's my next challenge..we could have a subway sandwich eating contest) but I am not in the best shape.
I've got a word of warning for MONEY.
When I was in the Navy I spent some time in the Philippines.
A ghetto or a hood in America has nothing on a poor area in the PI.
Those folks are tough.
I saw many a manly man get their asses STRAIGHT UP beaten by smaller thinner some would say scrawny guys.
Money May has heart too.
But I still don't think he can take Pacquiao.
So I'm making you an offer Money.
I have no boxing experience..I got in one fight in middle school..I think I won.
But my family could use the money.
At some point I am going to have to help put three of the most beautiful and intelligent children on Earth through college.
The kids get all the money..they can't have it till they graduate high school and enroll in an Ivy League University.
You're not doing anything else with that money Money ..let's get ready to rumble.