Thursday, November 10, 2011

Herman Cain Joke

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning who made a really good point.
He gave me another  really good reason not to like Herman Cain.
To put it plainly..he's not even good at throwing a line on a chick!
And he had long loot!
Now..Bill Clinton had his share of dalliances, but men..who love women..were a  sympathetic to his cheating.
Not just because he was married to Hillary who came off as pretty frigid, but because when you're cool with yours ..or as the old folks say "know how to hold your mouth right" inevitably..someone is going to want  to give you some play...some loving...some action.
Who wants a president that strikes out all the time?
Chicks don't dig the Herm.
Herm doesn't care, he'll still grab your goodies and say something really inappropriate.
See, that shows he could never be a good wingman!
I get that feeling that hanging out with the fellas and Herman Cain would inevitably have a dude  back at  his own place by 11pm watching tv thinking..."How in the hell did he talk us all out of some chicks lives tonight.
Yeah..I smell it..I think he's a CB.
SO..just another reason I can't support Herman Cain.

I might be on to something..I wonder if sell  t-shirts that say " I was cock blocked by Herman Cain" would sell like crazy....hmmmmmm.

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